This Is For All Those "Moody Bitches"

Sorry dear reader, and especially to my dear mother, that title was perhaps a little harsh. But, I have some additional information I wanted to share with all those women who, like myself, might at times be a, "moody bitch". A friend recently shared a link on Facebook that I found very poignant to my recent post, "The B$tch Abides". The article titled, "Medicating Women’s Feelings", was published in the New York Times on Feb. 28, 2015. Here's a link, I encourage you to take a read. 

The article also links to a book written by the articles author, "Moody Bitches". I've not yet read it, but it's on the list. A related book that I have read titled, "The Female Brain" is also a very informative read, and I encourage you to grab it from the library if you have a chance. 

I don't think the linked article, or either of these books has the answer to all of our struggles as a pre-menstrual woman, but I think sharing information, and educating ourselves on our biology is the best way to help us make the right decisions for ourselves, and our bodies. 


Patagonia 2014/15 Edition II


A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words...